Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Religious Figures: Overview

Religious figures are the most reserved in their behaviors. They do not waste movement compared to others or show expression as much either.
Rabbi Yehuda and the Pope remained very much alike, using similar body language in similar situations.
The outlier is when the Pope was in an interview discussing his views, where he was more animated. Likewise after his speech, he was friendlier and more personal with the public.

Khan remains somewhat different than the others, being more of a religious advocate. She acts more as a politician than the others, however only crudely so.

Still uses raised eyebrows and gestures.

[Religious Figure: Daisy Khan] Fox News Interview

Daisy Khan on the Fox News
Nodding in acknowledgement, agreeing with the facts her interview is discussing.
Here Khan is being slightly attacked based on a statement her husband said, this is a fake smile, it does not fan out fully or reach her eyes,
Khan blinks very frequently throughout the entire interview. Blink rate tends to increase when people are thinking more or are feeling stressed. 
Looks up to the left very briefly and only once. Recalling and and then stating 'facts' from memory in appropriate context often equates to telling the truth.

[Religious Figure: Daisy Khan] Morning Joe Interview

Daisy Khan and Lesley Jane Seymour on Morning Joe,
More's Editor-in-Chief Lesley Jane Seymour and Daisy Khan discuss the current crisis in Egypt and American resistance to the Islamic center near Ground Zero on MSNB's Morning Joe.

Eyebrow raise,  i.t is a common signal of greeting and acknowledgement. 
Here Khan is smiling and tilting her head, this is indiciative of an inquistive nature. This is a genuine smile, by the raised eyebrows and widened eyes.
for the most part of the interview, Khan is nodding in acknowledgement to others statements.

[Religious Figure: Daisy Khan] Eureka Street Interview

Interview with leading American Muslim activist Daisy Khan, who is co-founder of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, and driving force behind the proposed Islamic cultural centre near Ground Zero in New York.
Shaking head is a sign of disapproval, likely concerning the topic of Muslim extremists.
Furrowed brows are a sign of frustration.
Raised eyebrows, as usual, a sign of emphasize.
Questionable, looking to the upper right is a sign of fabrication, or at least creativity.

[Religious Figure: Pope Francis] Meeting with College of Cardinals

Pope Francis meets with the College of Cardinals
On February 15, 2013, Pope Francis held an audience with the College of Cardinals 
Side Note: EXTREMELY reserved, moves almost not at all other than to turn attention to different parts of the crowd.
Raised eyebrows to once again provide emphasize.
Uses obvious gesture to provide certain emphasize.

[Religious Figure: Pope Francis] First Sunday Angelus Address

 Pope Francis gives first Sunday Angelus address
On Sunday, March 17, 2013, Pope Francis gave his first Sunday Angelus address. There were more than 100,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Square.

Here the Pope is greeting the public with open arms, and a genuine smile indicated by the wide, full smile and squint in the eyes.
During his speech, Pope Francis uses gestures, although muted and only slightly.
Here he is also raising his eyebrows to show more emphasis.

Side Note: He is very reserved and not exuberant in his behavior. No wasted movement.

[Religious Figure: Pope Francis] EWTN Interview

EXCLUSIVE EWTN Interview with Pope Francis -- "The Voice of the Pastor
EWTN's exclusive 15-minute interview with Cardinal-Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, now Pope Francis.
Looking down to the left indicates thinking things through by self-talk - concerning an outward view, rather than the inward feelings view indicated by downward right looking.

Looking down tot the right a creative signal but not a fabrication, it can signal that the person is self-questioning their feelings about something.
Looking up to the left is related to accessing memory in the brain, rather than creating or imagining. A reassuring sign if signaled when the person is recalling and stating facts.
Here he is looking to the right, upwards. This means he is accessing the creative portion of his brain.
In this frame, he is not recalling any particular fact, which is good because if he were, it may be indicative of fabrication.
Raised eyebrows to add emphasis onto his statement.
Here Pope Francis is squinting his eyes; this is a sign of disgust as he is talking about how the world no longer values religion.

[Religious Figure: Yehuda Krinsky] Mumbai Attack and the Jewish Center

Jewish center bears scars
Mumbai, India (CNN) -- Countless bullet marks, a hole punched in a wall by a grenade and windows covered with plastic bear testimony to a carnage that left six people dead in Mumbai's Chabad House last year when terrorists besieged several sites around the financial hub of India.
Looking down and to the left can indicate that they are talking to themselves to reach a definitive conclusion.

Raises eyebrows occasionally to provide emphasize, however uses a lack of gestures is intriguing.


Side Note: Yehuda uses a ridiculous amount of restriction in this interview, however this is likely due to the topic of the interview and the mourning. Moves around in various directions, in a way circling, however this is not definitively proof of anything.

[Religious Figure: Yehuda Krinsky] CNN Interview

CNN Interview with Rabbi Krinsky about the attack in Mumbai
Two hours before Shabbos arrived, on that terrible day that was thought to never end, a CNN correspondent arrived to interview Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky
Rabbi Yehuba does a full shrug in response to a question. Both shoulders being lifted up is indicative of truthfuk ignorance.
Both hands are folded behind his back, which is considered a "regal stance" however this isn't supported by any other behaviours, and so this is questionably just a baseline behavior or preferred pose.
Shaking his head relates to his feeling for the shooting, correlates to his negative feelings of the shootings.
Side Note: Definitely more of the reserved side than any other so far.

[Religious Figure: Yehuda Krinsky] International Conference of Shluchos 2011

Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky addresses the International Conference of Shluchos 2011
Rabbi Yehuda grazes his gaze across the entire room to address attention to everyone.

Here he is shown interlocking his hands, which in most cases would be a negative sign, 
however since the thumps are up, positive thoughts are indicated.
Rabbi Yehuda uses light and subtile amounts of gestures to create emphasize to certain statements.
Side Note: No body language which would be considered loud. 
No waste in movement.
Emotion not particularly emoted in body language/

Musicians: Overview

Musicians are remarkably more complex in their mannerisms and expressions of emotions.
They do better to express how they feel, but unlike the precognitive thoughts of them being happy, only one out of three seemed to be substantially happy while the others seemed a bit dreary.

Beyonce was the only one who remained consistently happy, matter of factly, she expressed the happiest behavior out of all people, laughing and smiling the most.

Bieber was happy in seemingly only one interview, the others he remained to be on the monotone side, sometimes lingering to the sadder.

Gaga remained happy to normal in two interview, the third, being the one with The View, she is despondent.

Like other groups, they used gestures, raised eyebrows, and looked to the side.

[Musicians: Beyonce] NFL Recap

Beyonce: NFL Recap
No description available
Here Beyonce is shown using gestures for emphasize commonly used.
Looking down to the left; rationalizing and self evaluating to reach a conclusion on what to say.
Related to accessing memory in the brain, rather than creating or imagining. A reassuring sign if signalled when the person is recalling and stating facts.

Sadly even though her legs are in view, they say little about her feelings as they are restricted by the dress.

Beyonce is seen using flamboyant movements with her hand, the looseness of the situations calls attention to the fact she is relaxed.

[Musicians: Beyonce] Chime for Change in London

Beyonce Interview - Chime for Change in London
"The rights of women is something that has always been close to my heart and I know that being a mother now, it is very important that I do what I can and use my voice and knowing that there are women around the world who have no voice, we have to use our voices and embrace this cause, be part of something that we can leave our legacy and help improve the world.We're not asking people to donate money to our charity, we want people to get involved and fall in love, they see how they can use their voices." -Beyonce
Gestures are used as well. 
Not as much as regularly, it seems as if she is more expressive and emotional so gestures are not so much needs.
Likewise their may exist some gestures not in view of the frame.
Beyonce is very emotive in this video. 
This expressive and positive behavior correlates to her passion for the Chime for Change program.
Shows happiness and excitement.
Here she is looking downward to the left. 
She is in the process of deciding how and what to say to a certain question.
By looking downward in this way, she accesses thoughts and facts, also the rationalizing portion of her brain.

Looking up to the right is related to accessing memory in the brain, rather than creating or imagining. A reassuring sign if signaled when the person is recalling and stating facts.
Raised eyebrows are a gesture of emphasize.