Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Politicians: Overview

Politcians, compared to the other groups, use body language in a substantially more effective manner. They gesture and raise eyebrows more, use less expressive body language, however they look in different directions more often, which is likely due to the range of topics they usually discuss. Concepts of politics are subjects that are usually needed to be thought about.

President Obama is the president who takes the most pauses, likewise he is also the one who looks most professional while remaining seemingly casual.

Hilary Clinton is the most expressive, being quite free with laughter and her emotions.

Romney remains to be the most professional - whilst being nervous. He uses several behaviors such as the interlocking of ankles and fingers which show nervousness. Unlike the others, he did not look up to the left often, keeping up a piercing gaze of direct eye contact.

All three uses gestures and raised eyebrows, and at one point used looking up to the left.

Likely professionally trained.

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